Works Of Mercy Service Program

St. Labre Indian Catholic School

Works of Mercy Service Program

The Works of Mercy program is the community service program in our school. One goal of the program is to empower our students to become people of service throughout their entire lives by performing service every year that they attend St. Labre. It is an opportunity for our students to step outside of themselves by performing service for others that they normally may not serve. A “Work of Mercy” is a project performed for the least and most vulnerable of our society. At St. Labre, we strive to honor our Catholic and Native American identities. As Native Americans, we are taught to respect and honor our brothers and sisters.  As Catholics, our faith in Christ compels us to be the light of the world. Our actions should protect, promote, and defend the dignity of each human person, especially the poor, the vulnerable, the marginalized, the outcast, the suffering, the sick, the exploited, and the unborn. This is a key element of the mission of our school.

The requirements for the WoM program each year is as follows: 

Freshman Year: 8 Hours 

Sophomore Year: 8 Hours 

Junior Year: 10 Hours (in addition to a reflection paper, DUE DATE: TBA) 

Senior Year: 15 Hours (in addition to a reflection paper, DUE DATE: TBA )

Total: 41 Hours of Works of Mercy 

Parents, staff members, community members, if you have a project that you would like help with and you think could count towards Works of Mercy hours, please feel free to email Cathy Nguyen,

In order to turn in your Works of Mercy hours, please fill out the form below...

Works of Mercy Verification Sheets