C - 2nd Easter

Christ is Risen!

Welcome back to school and Happy Easter! We are blessed to focus for the next few weeks (on the journey towards Pentecost) celebrating the Good News of Easter. That said, our first weekly theme is that of doubt.

Can you blame us? - The miraculous news of Jesus' resurrection was quite literally unbelievable, especially for Doubting Thomas, who says to his friends, "Unless I see the holes they made...I refuse to believe."

We are exploring this week the very real feeling of doubt, doubt in our faith and doubt in ourselves. We have heard the words of some famous faces who have described the self-doubt they struggled with, especially in the face of learning difficulties. And yet, by growing in relationship with God we can learn to love ourselves and trust more in the hope of the Risen Lord!

Year 3 are growing!

Year 3 enjoyed their second visit to the school allotment this week. They worked hard to prepare the soil, weeding the ground and turning over the tough, dry earth. Once rotovated by hand, the children then dug deep trenches to plant their seed potatoes (which had been specially prepared or "chitted" over the Easter break). Our freshly planted crop was given a good drink of water and we are looking forward to seeing how they grow over the coming months!

April’s ‘Right of the Month’ and ‘Wellness Warrior Challenge’ is:

Article 24 You have a right to the best health possible and to medical care and to information that will help you to stay well.

Many will be celebrating World Health Day on 7th April. In this country we are so lucky to have a national health service, so here are some amazing facts about it:

  • The NHS was launched on July 5th 1948

  • The first heart transplant in the UK took place on May 3 1968 at the National Heart Hospital in Marylebone, London.

  • The NHS deals with over 1 million patients every 36 hours

  • Full-time GPs treat an average of 255 patients a week.

Part of this article is about countries that have good health care should support countries that do not. Why not support a health charity this year, such as Water Aid or UNICEF?

Science in Action

We enjoyed a fantastic Science Festival on Wednesday, celebrating the real-life application of many of the concepts we have been exploring in class. The highlight for many children was the incredible opportunity to get up close to a McLaren sports car! Our sincerest thanks to the many visitors and contributors who helped to make this a really special day for St Joseph's.

St Bernadette's Day!

To celebrate the Feast Day of St Bernadette, 2B enjoyed learning all about her life, her visits from Mary and the action that she took against poverty. Following this, we spent time exploring poverty rates in the UK and in Guildford. To follow in the footsteps of St Bernadette, we have been collecting food which we are going to donate to the North Guildford Food Bank to help people within our community who are in need.

Reception Celebration!

Reception led the most vibrant and beautiful celebration of the resurrection today - a real feast of song, dance, poetry and prayer to spread the Good News of Easter.

BLOG Resurrection Celebration - Easter Gardens
Song .MOV

Witness to overcoming doubt

Sincere congratulations to this week's Witness Award winner.

Lucine has championed using the feeling of doubt to empower her to persevere and build resilience.

God Bless, Lucine!

Parental Engagement Opportunities...

Weekly Parent Share(1).pdf
Coffee Mornings.pdf

Half Term Holidays

Pro Player Centre Flyer - Football Camp at St Joseph's.pdf