Digital Citizenship

As a student and a digital citizen, I pledge to:

Be responsible. I will ...

  • Do my best to complete my in-person and/or remote learning schoolwork and assignments.

  • Be careful with my device by:

    • carrying it with two hands.

    • putting it down on a clean, flat surface.

    • not eating or drinking when I use it.

  • Tell my teacher and parent or caregiver if my device is broken, stolen, or lost.

Stay safe. I will ...

  • Not share my school account passwords with anyone other than my teacher and parent or caregiver.

  • Not share private information without my family's permission. (This includes my full name, date of birth, address, phone number, and photos or videos of myself.)

  • Tell my teacher or an adult I trust if anything makes me uncomfortable online.

Think first. I will ...

  • Remember that my teachers can see whatever I do and say on the school's device during video meetings, in emails and chats, and on shared documents.

  • Give credit to the sources of online information I use for schoolwork.

  • Know that not all information online is true.

Speak up. I will ...

  • Tell my teacher if I'm confused about anything or need help.

  • Be a good friend to my classmates.

  • Tell my teacher or an adult I trust if I see someone being treated poorly or unfairly.

Stay balanced. I will ...

  • Set specific times to use my device at home for learning and schoolwork.

  • Follow my family's media plan.

  • Make sure there's time in my day for doing activities that don't involve electronic devices, like exercising and eating healthy food.

  • "Pause for people" and look up if someone wants to talk to me when I'm on my device.

In exchange, my parent or caregiver will ...

  • Support my digital learning by setting me up for success.

  • Communicate regularly with my teacher about my progress.

  • Help me use technology responsibly and safely and be a good digital citizen.

  • Talk to me about the consequences of my behavior.

Visual Digital Learning Pledge