Film Workshop

-Student Blogs-

Film Workshop - Charlie Geelon 

The film workshop on the 3rd of October was an incredible experience which I thoroughly enjoyed. The workshop allowed me to tap into my creative side as I was appointed director and writer of my form’s short film. We wrote a short film on the hierarchies within school, featuring many plot twists! I learnt a large amount about the film industry, most interestingly about the different types of lights and camera angles. This was very helpful for myself as I have a keen interest in photography and will transfer the knowledge from this workshop into my own work. 

   The workshop was a bonding experience for our form, with many laughs and precious memories being shared. It was challenging at first to communicate messages across the whole group, but we were all working cohesively as one unit by the end of the workshop. 

 The workshop taught me many invaluable life skills that will carry with me into the future. Overall, it was an incredible experience.  

Film Workshop - Roisin Kelly

On the 2nd of october my form group and i participated in a film workshop. I really enjoyed this workshop as I learned lots of new things. I was an actor in our film which pushed

me out of my comfort zone and helped me be more confident.

In this workshop I learned about all the equipment needed to film a movie. I learned there are 3 different lights: Main light, fill light and back light. I also learned that there are 3 different ways to shoot with the camera: wide shot, medium shot and closeup shot. 

From this workshop I will remember that cinema isn't just what is happening on screen. I now know that there are many people behind the scenes helping out. I will also remember that being an actor isn’t as easy as it seems.