December Work Experience

-Student Blog-

Work Experience

By Hamish Whitelaw

I held a series of interviews with TY students about their work experience week. I had a couple of questions about their week here they are below.

Max Moroney

For Max’s work experience week he went to a place called Dubai Aerospace in the Grand Canal. He learnt about the financial side of leasing planes, how A.I. worked, about models of aircrafts and how airplanes are bought and sold. I then asked him why he chose it because he had an interest in the mechanical sides of planes and plane leasing. Max enjoyed his experience thoroughly and would recommend it if you had an interest in economics and airplanes.

Aibidh Condren

Aibidh spent her week at a place called Total Stunts. Throughout the week she did many things such as working on a short film, where she enjoyed working behind the camera. The main thing that she did was the risk assessment, which means finding any hazards in the stunt so there was no danger when the stunt was performed. Doing this meant the actors were safe doing their job. Aibidh would recommend this work experience to others to others.

Cathy Keogh

For Cathy’s work experience she went to the Business Post in Dublin. On Tuesday Cathy went into Leinster House. She also wrote an article about whether primary school children should be allowed phones in school that got published in the paper. As well as that she sat in all their meetings about the newspaper and what would be going into the newspaper for that week. Cathy chose to do her work experience in The Business Post because she enjoys writing and her uncle is the editor of the newspaper. Cathy would recommend her experience in The Business Post to others.

Matthew Burke

From the 4th to the 8th of December Matthew attended work experience in the House of Oireachtas in Dublin. While there he drafted legislation on A.I in a group, learned more about The Constitution and took a tour of the Dáil. As well as this, they had lunch in the member's restaurant, met several TD’s from around the country and had a reception with the Minister for Education, Norma Foley. Matthew chose it because he had an interest in politics and current affairs, and would recommend this programme to anyone with similar interests.