
-Student Blog-

Photography Course

By Amelia Cobbe

On the 15th and the 22nd of November we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to take part in a photography course. We had a brilliant instructor, Elise, who took us through different aspects of photography such as lighting, timing, angles and the different colour tones in photos.

After talking about different famous photographers and their work, we headed outside to put what we had learnt to use. We walked all around the school and took the time to take numerous photos of anything that looked interesting or the lighting was good. Every now and then Elise would point out and take a picture herself to show us what to look for which was really helpful as it could be complicated to figure out where the lighting was coming from and what the best way to go about showing it in a photo was.

After taking hundreds of photos, we headed inside where we were talked through how to use “snapseed” to edit our images. After  experimenting with that for a while we then each picked our three favourite pictures and sent them to Elise to show to everyone else. We then went through everyone’s photos and offered thoughts and opinions on each by running through what we had learnt.

This was a great workshop that I and my peers thoroughly enjoyed  as it was very useful and informative.