First Aid

On April the 8th to the 10th I completed a three day first aid course. This course was massively educational and provided me with invaluable skills and knowledge.

This course is massively relevant in my life as not only is first aid a hugely beneficial skill to have for life, it also is very appealing for future employers to see on a CV. As I am now applying for summer jobs, practical skills such as first aid are really helpful to be able to display on my CV. 

I learned a massive amount throughout the three days. For example, I now know how to effectively administer CPR, how to bandage a wound and how to use a defibrillator. As well as these more practical skills, I also learned how to recognise if someone is feeling unwell, and from what they may be suffering. For example, I learned how to identify and distinguish between if someone is having a seizure, heart attack, stroke or choking, and how to react in each situation.

That being said, there were certain aspects of this course I already knew. For example, I was already familiar with the very basics of CPR, such as the rate at which one should make compressions. However, the first aid course did expand my knowledge as I now know how much force should be applied. I also already knew that it is never the person administering first aid’s responsibility to save the person struggling. A great deal of time was spent explaining how first aid is not always effective and how it is never the first aider’s fault if the person does not make it. Whilst this is important to discuss, I felt it would be better to perhaps shorten this section slightly as it was quite boring at points.

Overall I really enjoyed the first aid course and am glad I took part in the experience.

By Lucy Curran