7th Grade ELA

Homework and Classwork for the day: If homework is officially assigned in the system, it will show up here. If it is assigned as classwork on the Padlet, it will show up in Google classroom.


A goal for each student is to read 40 books during this school year.  Students update their reading log every other Friday with books they have read and a summary.  Students read books in book clubs, partnerships, and individually.  The Outsiders is the whole-class novel we will be reading in the first trimester. There are three main reading units in 7th grade.  We also complete a short mini-unit in reading to begin the year.  The three primary units of study include a unit titled Investigating Characterization, one titled Essential Research Skills for Teens, and one titled Literary Nonfiction. To increase students' vocabulary in their writing and speaking, they will study words in their novels and participate in the Words Their Way vocabulary program.


A goal for students in writing is to practice and improve upon many different styles of writing. Students complete three main writing units in the course of the school year. They also participate in a mini-unit in the first two week of school to restart their writing lives.  The three main writing units are Writing Realistic Fiction, The Art of Argument, and Writing About Reading.  In addition to completing major writing projects in their units of study, students will also write about their reading in their notebooks, do free-write pieces, and explore some creative writing throughout the year. To develop a better understanding of the English language, we will use Patterns of Power to study and review grammar.


Nightly homework always includes reading, (students set their own goals for daily reading and will know how many pages they need to read each day).  Students will have IXL assignments when necessary to review grammar.  The assignments will focus primarily on grammar.  Students will also have homework when they are not able to complete their unit of study work (reading or writing) in class. A class planner (one for the entire class and one individually) is used to record homework from each class throughout the day.  Students are able to use the class planner to double-check assignments. Students may also check Google classroom and check with their study buddies.

Please check Google Classroom for the daily work students are completing in class each day. 


ELA Standards

Below are the standards for English and literature.

7th Grade Report Card

Powerful Words

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."  Eleanor Roosevelt

"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."        Jesus

If your Child is Absent

Assignments for daily work are on Google Classroom.  It is updated daily.  

Standards-Based Grading

Watch the video below to learn more about standards-based grading.

Google Classroom

Students can go to Google Classroom to find out what we will be doing in class daily. I post a Padlet there each day with the day's agenda. Therefore, if students are absent, they will know what we are doing. Please have your child visit Google Classroom if they are absent.