Milestone 4


  • Edits were made to UI to optimize the users experience with the product:

    • The questions for the deliverable questionnaire will show on separate pages rather than having all questions on one

    • Check list and other tools will be intuitive rather than producing more physicals deliverables

      • Easier for the user to stay organized


  • The website and its features are tested locally and run locally

  • Front-End Testing:

    • Functional UI testing done by QA process with test cases

    • All functionality confirmed and confirm there are now visual bugs or redirect bugs

    • Some features of the website's front-end are in beta testing

      • Forums page is in beta testing

  • Back-end Testing

    • Functional backend testing done by QA process with test cases

    • Currently backend is filled with lorem ipsum so only functionality of factor string assessment is being tested

    • Integration testing between front-end and back end

    • Database testing done by verifying that invalid inputs are not put into the database

  • Questionnaire Testing

    • Functional testing done by QA process with test cases

    • Google sheets converts answers into factor string which is then sent to the database to receive information


Pictured above is the front page of the questionnaire. Once the user selects what area they are looking for more information in, the user is redirected to a section with questions specific to that field

Factor String Creation

Pictured above is the Google Sheets page which holds the answers from the questionnaire. From here, the google sheet has functions that convert the answers into numbers using if statements. Then the collection of numbers is concatenated using the concatenate function. Lastly, the substitute function is used to remove any zeros from the factor string to then return the final factor string for the user.

Screen Recording 2022-04-05 at 8.17.25

Home Page

includes features such as parallax scrolling, navigation bar, dropdown tabs, description of the product, and StudioPlan logo

Questionnaire Page

This page, located in Quiz under How It Works tab, is an embedded google form. This serves to create the factors string. This Questionnaire is fully integrated with the front-end side and back-end side in order to interact with the shell


  • Tasks were generally delegated during meetings, so everyone had a clear idea of what to do at all times. Below is a sample of the timeline for some of the tasks recorded in meeting minutes.