Milestone 2

Assignment 5: Project Plan

Shown below is the team's tentative project plan. The current task break down is as follows:

  • Kristin:

    • Customer Surveys

    • Applying Customer Insight

    • Code (where needed)

  • Cassidy:

    • Story board

    • Plan Code

    • Code backend

  • Nicole:

    • Story board

    • Plan Code

    • Code frontend

  • Alex:

    • Customer Surveys (Lead)

    • Applying Customer Insight

    • Marketing/Customer Insights

Assignment 6: Concepts

StudioPlan will essentially be broken down into two different parts: the Virtual Consultant and the Informational pages

Virtual Consultant:

  1. Customer will enter in information specific to them/their music

  2. Website will take that data and will match it and apply it (thru key words) to pre-made business-plan templates

  3. The customer will then receive a business-plan "personalized" to their needs based on their information

Informational pages:

  • Customer will have access to many pages that provide insight on publishing

  • Provide forums

  • Information on the website will be provided by professionals in the publish field

Assignment 7: Concept Selection

Assignment 8: Design

  • Rough ER diagram to get a sense of the tables in our DB

  • Goal is to Match users after first log in and store match in matched table to save resources on searching for data match each time


A user builds an initial profile.

The profile is not just to create an account, but its also incorporates a questionnaire to understand what the user needs and how they want their information.

Factor String

Based on the answers to the questionnaire, a string of identifiers is created that matches that profile.


Knowledge content is stored in a database that matches those identifiers for a particular profile.

StudioPlan Framework

The knowledge content identifiers is matched to the profile identifiers, and a “book” of sorts is created with all the information that person needs for that topic.

StudioPlan Draft

In addition to providing the static knowledge that's in the database (the StudioPlan “skeleton” so to speak), additional information about the musician’s business and personal information is incorporated (additional information on making money on that topic for their genre of music, other things/tools that may be helpful for that musician

Assignment 9: Analysis

As this product is a software as service, no hardware requirements really exist. The only hardware needed is a server to combine host the website and database which will be bought. The only hardware requirements for this server are 2 x 1,6 GHz CPU and 3,5 GB RAM at minimal requirements and 4 x 1,6 GHz CPU with 7 GB RAM ideal recommended requirements. The server at minimum needs 1 x 40 GB HDD or SSD. The recommended Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Configuration at a minimum must be Basic Medium VM and ideally recommended would be the Basic Large VM. As the software will not be as intense and popular in its testing stages, the minimum requirements will be used until upgrades are needed.

Software Specifications:

  • Languages used to be used in this project:

    • SQL - Database creation and queries run against the database returning information

    • Java - Connecting to the database

    • JavaScript - Web page development and integration

      • Node.js - Many Node.js packages will be used, however, the final list is not compiled yet as this is subject to change

    • Python - For generating files for users and web development

    • HTML5/CSS - Page styling and formating

  • Domain host

    • The Website needs a server to host it and a domain to make it public

  • Possible languages to be used:

    • ReactNative - integration with app's and different OS's

    • GoLang - API, light-weight microservices

  • Azure Virtual Machine Configuration - for server hosting configuration

Assignment 10: Test Plan

The testing for this product will be done in numerous stages as it is a software as service. Testing will happen through every phase of development and testing will overlap quite a bit to ensure integration between development uploads is successful and no bugs are created and missed throughout the process. Below a Roadmap for the project can be found that outlines the Milestones for Planning, Testing, and Developing. Testing will involve numerous different test cases done by the group members, but also include easy-of-use testing and intuitiveness testing by bringing in outside parties to review the product, like Professor Kevin Lu and our IDE professor.

Assignment 11: Teaming

Add a page of "Team" on the project site
Add the responsibilities on the Team page of the project site

Program Outcome 5: (Teaming and Leadership)

3.5 The student will learn to function as an effective part of a multidisciplinary team, be accountable to others involved in the project, perform individual tasks, and resolve conflicts diplomatically and professionally

Assignment 12: Teamwork

Add the team assessments on the Team page of the project site

Program Outcome 5: (Teaming and Leadership)

5.1 The student will be able to contribute effectively in a team-based project with adequate distribution of tasks to team members and coordination of the collective outcome. Every team member will be fully engaged in the project as possible. The students will demonstrate coordination of their teamwork through regular discussions and written team assessments.