Milestone 3


· Visually appealing and simple user experience

· Digestible information made for artists with varying levels of industry experience

· Comprehensive yet flexible career planning options that allows for an artist to plan the career they want with as few hiccups as possible

· Networking tools for all types of music industry jobs that are also mindful of musical culture

· Extensive data security measures, as sensitive customer data will be handled


  • Shell is locally run for testing purposes

  • Shell connects the three parts of StudioPlan and is the layer of programming that understands and executes the commands required for StudioPlan to function

    • StudioPlan is made up of three parts:

      • An intuitive front-end

      • A complex and adaptable database

      • A fluid and controllable backend for website functionality

  • Implementation also requires information for the business plan output

  • For the product to go live:

    • Web hosting and a domain would be purchased to publish the website

Database Factor String Implementation

Pictured above is a visual representation of how the factor string, unique to each user, is created. This factor string is integral to the unique experience each user receives, as the final product is dependent on their answers. The database will include variability for similar answers to ensure each product is unique to each user.

Factor String Testing

Thorough testing is to be done on the factor string to ensure unique outputs and to ensure valid outputs. Multiple test cases will be written up to test multiple different kinds of factor strings thus guaranteeing a unique experience for each user while also making sure each output is generated valid.

ER Diagram for Database Implementation

Pictured above is the ER diagram for the database. Implementation of this includes creating these tables in the database, setting the data for each column, and assigning primary and secondary keys. A key part of this database is that it stores the users information with their account to save resources by not creating a new factor string search each time a user logs in

ER Diagram for Database Testing

The database will also undergo much testing to ensure there are no errors in the data or the way it is stored. Many test cases can be automated and run against the database to ensure its functionality.


In order to test varies parts of the website, we first implemented the front end design using GitHub pages. The team created multiple different HTML pages for each of the tabs presented below. For testing purposes, we put placeholders for each section of the site.

We then proceeded to test the backend database separately. If we were to combine all aspects together, there would be a possibility of integration errors . The team decided to test the individual parts separate and slowly put the site together. The backend works as followed:


  • The team continues to work effiecently together towards the common goal for StudioPlan

  • Tasks are broken up by roles and all team members are available to lead a hand when tasks end up taking longer then expected

  • The group has multiple weekly meetings with and with out the Advisor

  • The group also has weekly development meetings where the development roles discuss current projects and road maps

  • Work had been cooridnated and executed

  • Each team member is fully engaged in the project and each member has an integral part in the projects success