
Milestome 1


  • music, film, TV, fashion, Broadway, theater, and visual arts artists including others who also supply to our entertainment and textile industries

      • Customers in NYC: (eight creative arts sectors) music, film, TV, fashion, Broadway, theater, visual arts, and art galleries


  • Customers need an easy platform to guide them through the steps of producing their work

    • Many artists are inexperienced and do not have the ability to produce their product(s) on their own.

    • A platform that is easy to navigate and is personal to each customer (create an avatar)


· Visually appealing and simple user experience

· Digestible information made for artists with varying levels of industry experience

· Comprehensive yet flexible career planning options that allows for an artist to plan the career they want with as few hiccups as possible

· Networking tools for all types of music industry jobs that are also mindful of musical culture

· Extensive data security measures, as sensitive customer data will be handled

Needs-Requirements Mapping

Objective: The overall goal of StudioPlan

  • Create a virtual platform for artists to explore their options for navigating the business world when it comes to their content

  • StudioPlan is broken into two major components

    • The front-facing application and user dashboard

    • The back-end component with a large database of information alongside a Virtual Assistant AI to give customers specified suggestions and advice

  • Ideally, the Virtual Assistant AI will have a front-facing avatar

  • Most importantly, StudioPlan should be easy to use and navigate through, but the information it provides should be accurate and reliable


  • Users want to get in and started quickly

    • Users should be able to understand the software easily

  • Virtual Assistant Component

    • An avatar to go with it

  • Users can range from many different fields as content creators

  • The user wants their content to be secure and personal to them


  • The product should allow for easy user registration and it should be easy and intuitive to navigate

  • A reliable and accurate AI that is able to retrieve relevant information for the specified user depending on their content and needs

  • The product should be versatile and customizable to allow coverage for many different content creators

  • The platform should have login security and multiple security measures to ensure users data is safe