Milestone 4


In the frontend, some optimizations were made to improve the user interface and experience. The design of the cards was changed to better represent traditional IDs that one would put in their physical wallet while the design of the dashboard was tweaked to separate the action items shown from being confused with actual cards. Additionally, while the functionality was being tested in a separate barebones client, the ability to actually share data with other users and view shared data was not present in the earlier prototype and has been now added to the main client.

The main optimization made to the backend was greatly improving the method of connection from the frontend to the backend smart contracts. We fully integrated Rainbowkit and WAGMI to connect the user's wallet and call functions from the backend. Initially, the user had to sign multiple transactions just to be able to upload their data and have it encrypted. Now, there is only one transaction needed to be signed by the user to upload their data. Through this, we greatly improved the user experience so that they can have a smoother upload process.


The video below shows a live demonstration of the prototype and proof of concept working. A user is successfully able to connect their crypto wallet (such as MetaMask), submit their data to be minted on the blockchain, view their owned and encrypted datatypes, and allow that data to be shared to other wallet addresses so other users can decrypt and view the data.


There were issues with setting up proper encryption and decryption of data based on conditional parameters and integrating actual Ethereum wallets with the software that the team was able to eventually successfully solve for the final prototype through the use of Lit Protocol and Rainbowkit. The team was ambitious with the amount of progress that could get done by the end of April but was still able to achieve nearly every goal that was initially set for the basic MVP and some of the post-MVP goals. The members were responsible for the following work after the initial prototype:

The team is still continuing to work on the IDdeck project by teaming up with CarePoint Medical Group in Hoboken. The figure below shows the work the members will be responsible for after the Innovation Expo:Â