Milestone 3



Fig. 1 Static landing page

Fig 2.1 Dynamic dashboard showing implementation of cards

Fig 2.2 Dynamic information page showing integration between frontend and backend to display data

Fig 2.3 Dynamic events page showing cards containing details about potential events, which are stored on the backend

Fig 2.4 How the website looks for mobile users

Fig 2.5 The expandable sidebar for smaller-screened devices

Fig 3.1 Testing using Hardhat

Fig 3.2 Testing using Remix

Fig 4.1 Deploying onto Polygon Mumbai Testnet

 Fig 5.1 Encryption Architecture. Decryption is pretty much the same process in reverse order.

 Fig 6.1, Fig 6.2 Outputs from testing Lit Protocol using Mumbai

Fig 7 Tested IPFS functions using a local gateway through IPFS Desktop
