Milestone 2

Project Plan

Roles and Responsibilities

Backend Developers: Sam Schmitt, Weiliang Sun, Zachary Zatuchni

Frontend Developers: Murad Arslaner, Andrew Capro



Our front end will be using Next.js to host a site application where users and organizers can create data sessions with each other.

We will also be creating a mobile application in React Native using the Expo SDK. This app will have most, if not all, features available on our web application.


We will be using Solidity smart contracts to develop our backend. These contracts will be used to store pointers to data that is stored on IPFS. This data will be encrypted using a user's private key on their Ethereum wallet address. In order to get access to this user's wallet we will be using Rainbowkit, Web3Auth, or WalletConnect to make the users' experience their own.


NFC: We will be using NFC tags to simulate an organization's request for data with a tap-to-trigger environment.

Project Management

We are using Notion to keep track of task management and the team's backlog. We are using GitHub for version control for the code repository. The team is communicating online via Discord to share ideas, requirements, and designs. The team meets at least once a week in person together for at least an hour to share progress and talk about further steps.

Task Breakdown

Pre-MVP (September through November 2022)

Web3 Desktop Site MVP (December 2022 and January 2022)

Post-MVP (Spring 2023 semester)


The team designed two different early concepts in Figma for what a front-end client could look like. The main requirements of the prototypes, as per Milestone 1, were to:

Concept 1 below shows a client split into multiple sections for each different function:

Concept 2 below shows a different approach to the client with all functions available from the landing page:

Concept Selection

The team decided to go with Concept 1, which allows each function of the project to be accessed from a separate page on a sidebar. The team decided to go with this concept mainly to appeal to ease of access for the user. It would be easier for a user to find each place they need to navigate to on a collapsible sidebar that is always available rather than having to backtrack to the main dashboard all the time. The improved version of the Concept 1 frontend model stays mostly true to the original spirit and focuses on fleshing out the details of each page. 

As an overall stylistic choice, the team experimented with replacing the solid upper navigation bar and white background. The team made the mockup design above with a (possibly collapsible) sidebar with a modern gradient background. The team specially picked out a color scheme based around the colors blue, purple, black, white, and gray. For the dashboard, an example is provided to show how it would possibly look with the number of cards, usages, requests, and past events being displayed. 

The ID card page is expanded upon out to show how the cards themselves may visually look both in a vertical and horizontal format. Example templates with automatically filled-out personal information were made. The form for creating cards from scratch was also made.

Similar detailed forms were designed for filling out personal information and creating new events and their QR codes were also designed. 

Lastly, the team also drafted the model architecture for the data structures that could be used for personal information, ID cards, and events based on the above system flow.


The following diagram shows a process flowchart of how a potential user would interact with the team's web app:

The next diagram shows the flow of how a piece of the user's personal identification (the /uploadID function) would be sent and retrieved in each stage. Creation and retrieval of ID cards as well as creation of events would follow similarly.


Hardware Specifications:

Software Specifications:

The software for our project is much more involved and includes:

Below is a flowchart of how data is transferred to and from the user through the website dashboard, the API, and the cloud. This is all in the context of the different libraries and types of software the team will be taking advantage of.

Test Plan

The team plans on splitting the work into three categories: the frontend, the backend, and the integration between the two. The team will continue to follow the task breakdown from Milestone 2.1 to determine what features must be worked on for our MVP until January and what features can be added afterward for our post-MVP during the spring semester. The features are split into three priorities: high, normal, and low. The list of everything that needs to be developed is kept track of using a Notion board, as pictured below.

For the frontend, the team will be using the collaboration tools provided by VS Code to develop the web page in real-time. This begins with each individual page one at a time and their required functionality, which will be developed using Next.js, Chakra UI, and standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Using the Node.js package manager, the team can also view the web page together in real time through one member hosting a server on their local connection. The picture below shows an example of very early progress on the actual website.

For the backend and the full stack integration, the team will be testing the Solidity smart contracts initially using the tool Remix. Later, the team plans on writing test files using Mocha and Chai and deploying test contracts onto the local blockchain Ganache using Truffle. The team finally plans on deploying the contracts onto an Ethereum testnet.




Ethereum testnet