Digital Negatives

This is the basic step by step process of making a digital negative for any process once you have your curve. 

Download the curve you require from the Google Drive folder below and follow these instructions:

2. Convert  the  profile  to  gamma  gray  2.2.

Edit -> Convert to Profile... -> Select the 'Gray Gamma 2.2' profile in the 'Profile' dropdown under 'Destination Space' and click 'OK'

3. Size  the  image  to  what  you  want  it  to  be.

4. Apply  the  curve  to  the  positive  of  the  image (Kallitype - do this AFTER inverting the image to negative).  Command  M  or Image­ -> Adjustments­ -> Curves.

5. In the 'Curves' window, click the gear icon and select 'Load Preset...'.

The gear icon is in the top center of the window.

6. Navigate to where the curve has been downloaded (usually the 'Downloads' folder) and click 'Open', then in the 'Curves' window click 'OK'.

The curve should reflect the loaded preset.

7. After the curve is applied, invert the image from a positive to negative.

Command I or Image -> Adjustments -> Invert

8. Flip the image.

Image -> Image Rotation -> Flip Canvas Horizontally.

9. Print the image.

9a. Command P or File -> Print

9b. Select the printer. It is suggested to use either of the Epson P7570's or the Epson P9570 as they are easier to load.

9c. Click 'Print Settings' to open the Epson printer driver. 




10. Select your paper size.

The VPL currently stocks US-C 17x22 inch sheets and 17 inch wide rolls of digital negative material. If using the roll, you will need to create a custom paper size 17 inches wide and at least 10 inches long.

11. Change from 'Layout' to 'Printer Settings'

12. In the 'Basic' settings:

Media Type: Premium Photo Paper Glossy

Color: Advanced B&W Photo

Color Toning: Neutral

Print Quality: Set to 1200dpi

Uncheck 'High Speed'

Step 12:

13. In the 'Advanced Color Settings':

Tone: Darkest

Vertical: 75

Contrast: This value depends on the process you are using.

If there is too much contrast, reduce this value. 

If there is not enough contrast, increase this value.

Step 13:

14. Change from 'Printer Settings' to 'Advanced Media Control'. Set 'Color Density' to:

15. Click 'Save' to return to the Photoshop print settings window.

16. Color Management:

Color Handling: Printer Manages Colors

Rendering Intent: Perceptual

17. Position and Size:

Set your image size and position.

18. Click 'Print' and prepare to load your media in the printer. Make sure the media is loaded PRINT SIDE OUT.