Spring - Foundation Subjects

Art and design

D&T - Electrical Systems - Torches

In this topic, the children will understand and use electrical systems in their products [e.g. series circuits, incorporating switches, bulbs, buzzers and motors].

We will explore how key events and individuals in design and technology have helped the world.

Art - Sculpture

Children will be learning about the works of inspirational sculptors, creating 3D works of art, working with recycled materials and making collages. 


Investigating Weather

Children investigate the role of computers in forecasting and recording weather as well as how technology is used to present forecasts.


Pupils explore the language behind well known websites, while developing their understanding of how to change the core characteristics of a website using HTML and CSS

We are internet Secure 

Children understand the importance of strong passwords and being secure online. 

We are internet Kind 

Children know ways in which they can be kind to others online.



Weather Cycle

Money and shopping


l'eau = water                                                          Je voudrais - I would like

le nuage - the cloud                                            Qu’est-ce que vous désirez? = What would you like 

la pluie = the rain                                                  s’il vous plaît = please

Le soleil = the sun                                                C’est combien?  = How much is it?

l'évaporation = evaporation                                un kilo de pommes = 1kg of apples

la condensation = condensation                       un ananas = a pineapple



In this exciting geography unit, we will be exploring the world of biomes. The children will learn what a biome is and find out more about their climate zone. They will also discover how humans can help prevent or slow down the effects of deforestation.

They will work in a variety of ways to learn more about this fascinating topic.

Our key learning points will be as follows:- 


A local area study

Why is Nonsuch Park such an important place in our local area?

During our history topic, we will be learning about Nonsuch Palace and its significance during Henry VIII's reign and why it was so important. We will be looking further back in time and finding out what was there before Nonsuch Palace and the reasons to why Henry VIII was able to knock down Cuddington Church and Village to build it. Finally, we will continue to develop our enquiry skills as we discover what happened to the Palace and why there is now a mansion there instead. 


Physical Education

Spring 1

Gym - Children create sequences that include changes of level and speed, and focus on using different body shapes clearly. They work mostly with a partner or small group, additionally incorporating hand apparatus. 

Dance - Children focus on creating characters and narrative through movement and gesture. They gain inspiration from a range of stimuli. Children will use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues and their own feelings and thoughts. 

Netball - Children develop movement and ball handling skills. They learn simple attacking tactics as part of a small team, and start to think about how to organise themselves to defend their goal. 

Spring 2

Dance - Children will continue to focus on the objectives above using a different stimulus. 

Athletics - Children concentrate on developing good basic running, jumping & throwing techniques.  They are set challenges for distance and time that involve using different styles and combinations of running, jumping & throwing.

Science - Living things


In our electricity lessons we will identify common appliances that run on electricity. We will construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers. We will also Identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery.


The children will recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit. They will recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors.

The children work scientifically by observing patterns, for example, that bulbs get brighter if more cells are added and that some materials can and some cannot be used to connect across a gap in a circuit.

Animals including humans

To begin this topic, the children describe the simple functions of the basic parts o the human digestive system. They also make comparisons with the digestive systems of other animals. They will identify the different types and functions of teeth and investigate the links between excess sugar consumption and tooth decay. 

Year 4 will learn to construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey.

Wellbeing (PSHCE)



In this unit, students will develop their understanding that we:

All feel worried or frightened at times

Need courage to face our fears


In this unit, students will develop their understanding that humour can:

Help us to feel better

Make others feel better as long as it isn't hurtful. 

Live Life to the Full

Live Life to the Full

The children should come out of this unit knowing that puberty is part of God’s plan for our bodies and that they can embrace the changes with confidence. 

Module 1 Unit 2

Module 1 Unit 3