Revision & Extension

Revision GuideS

  • This was written by two of our current Year 13 students - Thomas and Chris. Access is only for St Bon's students:

Download <here>

Revision Spider Diagrams

  • Print on A3 and test your recall! Download <here>

Key Scholars

  • Make a copy and add key details of all scholars named on the spec:



A Level study demands going beyond the lessons. Here are a selection of resources to help you do this:



New Testament

  • Yale MOOC - Introduction to the New Testament History and Literature - 26 lectures plus lecture notes [YouTube] [iTunes]

  • Footprints - The 4th edition of In the Footprints of our Faith, a compilation of 27 articles about the most important Holy Sites in the Holy Land, can now be downloaded in various formats from our website.

Christian Theology

Wider Reading

You should enjoy your A Level studies and want to find out more! These books are ideal summer reading either from Year 11 into Year 12, or from Year 12 into Year 13

  • Sophie's World - A philosophy classic! This is on every university reading list and famous world wide. It's a weird and wonderful tale of Sophie and her journey, learning from a wise philosopher.

  • Knowledge of Angels - A historical novel that looks at philosophical, theological, moral, ethical, sociological questions - a perfect summer read!
