A-Level Religious Studies

Is RELIGIOUS STUDIES simply harder than science?

What’s the purpose of philosophy? Alfred North Whitehead characterized it as a series of footnotes to Plato. You can see his point. On the surface, we don’t seem to have progressed much in the two and a half millennia since Plato wrote his dialogues. Today’s philosophers still struggle with many of the same issues that exercised the Greeks. What is the basis of morality? How can we define knowledge? Is there a deeper reality behind the world of appearances?

Read more <here>

Edexcel Religious Studies A-Level:

Philosophy, Ethics and New Testament

Key Features

  • Students are encouraged to deal with controversial ideas about beliefs and values and to have the confidence in their ability to express their own beliefs and values supported by reasoned argument and evidence
  • Focus on exploring common ground and controversy in dealing with issues that arise in morality and religion
  • Focus on using the writings of key scholars to explore differing viewpoints about the development of ideas
  • Develops transferable skills of informed discussion and engagement with a range of texts for progression to higher education

Read more on the full handout <here>

Two year course overview <here>