Team Input gives project Workflow approvers an in-system method for requesting input from individual team members on a Workflow approval request, prior to approving the workflow process.  Team Input appears for approvers within the Workflow tab, in the Project Changes and Project Delivery Plan (PDP) records.  

Team Input - Field Guidance

Team Input appears within the Workflow approval tab in Project Changes and Project Delivery Plan records, only once these records have been submitted for Workflow approval.  

Team Input appears ONLY for Workflow approvers to request input from team members once the approval reaches their instance of PMWeb.  

Requesting Team Input

2. Within the Team Input pop-up window, use the Request Team Input drop-down menu to select team members from which to request input for this record.  

3. Select the Permissions you'd like to give your team for the record by clicking each checkbox. 

4.  Add a contextual message regarding the input being requested. 

5. Click the Save and Send icon to submit your request for Team Input.  

Reviewing a Team Input request

2. The reviewer opens the record and reviews all tabs and content as needed. 

3. The reviewer clicks the Workflow tab to complete the Team Input request within this tab.  

4. Here, the reviewer has two selection options to complete Team Input:

5. With an option selected, the reviewer clicks the Take Action button to complete their Team Input workflow process.  

6. All Team Input appears within your Workflow Tab>Activity Log for recordkeeping.