PMWeb Security Groups

Your access within PMWeb will fall into one of the security groups below.  Security Groups indicate what you can view, edit, and approve within the PMWeb system, and will vary based on your specific project roles and responsibilities. Here, you can see an overview of our primary PMWeb Security Groups:

System Administrator

System administrators can view and manage all project functionality in PMWeb, and typically work to ensure that project data is managed according to best practices.  System Administrators can help with system troubleshooting, project maintenance, and escalating help requests as needed. 

Project Delivery Systems Lead

Project Delivery Systems Leads are our regional project gurus in each of our five CDOT regions.  This security role typically belongs to a Project Manager who interfaces with project teams throughout their region, and has full system access to edit, update, and troubleshoot PMWeb issues for their regional staff, as needed.   

Project Management Team

Project Management Team members are typically PMs, REs, PMO Reps, Business Managers, Program Managers and other staff who manage the processes and components of a given project.  Project Managers have access to create, edit, and collaborate on project records within PMWeb.  

Delivery Staff

Delivery Staff typically has a specific function within a project that is their responsibility (ex. Environmental, Resident Engineers) and are provided full editing, creation, and collaboration rights for their respective areas in the PMWeb system. 


Executive level access provides general system access for reviewing and reporting on projects on an as needed basis.  Executive level members can login to PMWeb to review the status, staff, and current state of any project within their respective region or area of oversight. 

External Contractor

External Contractor access is designated for external staff, contractors, and designers working on CDOT projects.  This modified access allows individuals to contribute to project work, while restricting access provided to our other security roles. 

View Only

View only access provides read only project access to users who need to stay abreast on project work, but who do not necessarily need to enter, review, or manage specific project data within PMWeb.