
In this article


Assigning a delegate

Video references



If you plan to be out of office, you can assign a Delegate to take care of your PMWeb tasks while you're away. 

Assigning a delegate

The following steps guide you through assigning a delegate in PMWeb.

0. Log into the PMWeb Production system.

1. Navigate to Guided Help and select System Help.

It is best practice to use Guided Help when assigning Delegates.

2. Navigate to the Settings menu.

Use the arrows in the top navigation bar to scroll all the way to the right. Click on "Settings".

3. Access the Delegates menu.

Click on "DELEGATES", located in the gray box on the left of the screen.

4. Add a Delegate.

5. Activate the Delegate.

6. Confirm delegation.

Video references

Below is a supplemental video showing the the process listed above. 

Adding a Delegate

This video has no audio. If it's blurry, click the cog icon and select 1080p (HD).


Below are some frequently asked questions. If you have a question but don't see it listed here, fill out a website help form and we'll add it.

How can I tell if my delegate assignment went through?

You will see an onscreen message confirming that your delegation went through.