2023 Report

The 2023 Colorado Human Trafficking Council Report (PDF) is a comprehensive overview of the work of the Council in 2023. The report highlights a series of topics including:

The Annual Report is available in its entirety or as individual sections. If you plan to reference the Annual Report use the following citation: Colorado Division of Criminal Justice, Office for Victims Programs. 2023 Colorado Human Trafficking Council Annual Report. (Lakewood, CO: Colorado Department of Public Safety), 2023

2023 Colorado Human Trafficking Council Report. Download the full report (PDF).

Report Sections

Executive Summary

This section provides an overview of content featured in the 2023 Annual Report. Download the Executive Summary (PDF).

Section 1: Year in Review

This section provides an overview of the activities of the Council and its advisory committees in 2023, and highlights the leadership activities of the Council and the Human Trafficking Team both in Colorado, across the US and with international partners. This section also provides an overview of human trafficking related state legislation that passed as well as the Council's effort to raise awareness about human trafficking during Colorado's Human Trafficking Awareness month in January 2023. Download the Year in Review section (PDF).

Section 2: Collecting Data on Human Trafficking in Colorado

This section provides data and analysis for a three-year period (2020-2022) related to federal investigations, state and local law enforcement activities, state judicial cases, service provision by U.S. Office for Victims of Crime funded service providers, data collected by the state’s Division of Child Welfare and Division of Youth Services, and reports to the National Human Trafficking Hotline and Colorado's Human Trafficking Hotline. Download Collecting Data on Human Trafficking in Colorado section (PDF).

Section 3: Human Trafficking Training Outcomes

This section displays the implementation of the Council’s training programs, which were delivered through multiple means (in-person, virtually, hybrid and online) across the state by Human Trafficking Team staff and regional volunteer facilitators. In addition, this section highlights the usage of the flagship online training program from 2019-2022, and the launch of the law enforcement online training program.   Download the Human Trafficking Training Outcomes section (PDF).

Section 4: Identifying and Addressing Children and Youth Trafficking  

This section focuses on the work of the Multidisciplinary Team Working Group. The goal of this working group was to develop statewide guidance for professionals working to identify human trafficking of children and youth.  Download the Identifying and Addressing Children and Youth Trafficking section (PDF).

Section 5: Meaningful Survivor Engagement

The Council recommitted to the work of the Survivor Engagement Task Force (SETF) for a third year, and created processes for implementing recommendations made by the task force in 2022 with a focus on filling open positions for, and retention of survivor representatives and improving the experience for all its members. The Council created a method for feedback from Council members, outreach materials for inviting Survivor Leaders to join the Council, developed a mentorship program for new Council members and reviewed policies to create a more transparent and inclusive environment for Council members. This section provides an overview of those recommendations.  Download the Meaningful Survivor Engagement section (PDF). 

Section 6: Prevention Strategies for the Education Sector

This section focuses on the work of the Council's Education Task Force. The goal of this task force was to examine the education system in Colorado, including availability of trainings, services, and resources related to victims and survivors of human trafficking. This section includes a three-phase training plan for school staff, including training at conferences, in schools, and through external training partners.  Download the Prevention Strategies for the Education Sector section (PDF).