2016 Report

The 2016 Colorado Human Trafficking Council Report (PDF) is a comprehensive overview of the work of the Council and highlights a series of topics including:

The Council Report is available as a single file and as individual sections depending on your need. If you plan to reference any aspect of this report, use the following citation: Colorado Department of Public Safety. (2016). 2016 Colorado Human Trafficking Council Annual Report. Lakewood, CO: Division of Criminal Justice.

2016 report cover

Click to download the full report (PDF)

Report Sections

Executive Summary

This section provides an overview of content featured in the Report as well as a summary of the Council's work in 2016. Download the Executive Summary section (PDF).

Section 1: Year in Review

The Year in Review provides an in-depth look at the work of the Council throughout 2016. The Year in Review highlights high-level Council discussions on topics ranging from public awareness to legal remedies for trafficking survivors. In addition, this section provides an overview of recent federal and state human trafficking-related legislation. Download the Year in Review section (PDF).

Section 2: Collecting Data on Human Trafficking in Colorado

This section provides information on the incidence of the crime of human trafficking in Colorado. It also identifies trends throughout the state, including the distinct populations of human trafficking victims that service providers and law enforcement report. Download the Data on Human Trafficking section (PDF).

Section 3: Training Standards and Curricula

This section provides an overview of the Council's efforts to create Colorado-specific human trafficking training curricula. In 2016 the Council prioritized the development of a core human trafficking training appropriate for a wide array of audiences, as well as training curriculum for law enforcement. Download the Training Standards and Curricula section (PDF). 

Section 4: Standards and Certification for Victim Service Providers

This section provides an overview of recommendations on how standards and a certification process could be implemented for community-based victim advocates and mental/behavioral health professionals who choose to work with human trafficking survivors. The 2016 report articulates a full set of standards that provide guidance to these professional sectors on what training, experience and expertise is important in order to be successful in serving and supporting this specific population. Download the Standards and Certification section (PDF).