2015 Report

The 2015 Colorado Human Trafficking Council Annual Report (PDF) is the inaugural report of the Council. In its first year, the Council provided a set of recommendations on how Colorado could adopt safe harbor legislation. The Council also considered whether the state should implement standards and certification requirements for professionals and organizations who serve human trafficking victims and survivors. It also started collecting baseline data on human trafficking incidence in Colorado and the efforts of law enforcement to combat human trafficking.

The 2015 Report provides a robust introduction to the issue of human trafficking, including a summary of the historical events that have shaped the anti-trafficking field in Colorado in advance of the Council's formation in 2014. These events are chronicled in a Timeline (PDF) with information provided by the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking. 

This report is available as a single file or as individual sections depending on your need. If you plan to reference any aspect of the report,  use the following citation: Colorado Department of Public Safety. (2015). 2015 Colorado Human Trafficking Council Annual Report. Lakewood, CO: Division of Criminal Justice. 

2015 report cover

Click to download the full report (PDF)

Report Sections

Executive Summary

This section provides an overview of content featured in the Report. It summarizes the Council's creation, Council mandates, and the three main sections of the report. Download the Executive Summary Section (PDF) of the report.

Section 1: Introduction to the Human Trafficking Council and the Field

Section 1 of the 2015 Report provides a brief history on the creation of the Colorado Human Trafficking Council, as well as a short primer on the issue of human trafficking. Download Section 1 of the 2015 Annual Report (PDF). 

Section 2: Collecting Data on Human Trafficking in Colorado

This section provides baseline data on the incidence of the crime of human trafficking in Colorado, as well as a summary of survey results that address the challenges and achievements of law enforcement from across the state working to address human trafficking. This section also provides recommendations for how law enforcement and code enforcement agencies can enhance their data collection methods. Download the Data on Human Trafficking Section (PDF) of the report.

Section 3: Recommendations for Statutory Changes

This section provides an overview of statutory recommendations from the Council. In particular, this section provides recommendations for safe harbor remedies in Colorado. Download the Statutory Recommendations Section (PDF) of the report.

Section 4: Recommendations for Establishing Standards, Certification and Grant Funding

This section provides an overview of recommendations on whether the state should establish standards for organizations and professionals who provide direct services to victims of human trafficking, and whether the state should have a certification process. It also outlines recommendations for the establishment of a grant program. Download the Standards and Certification Section (PDF) of the report.


Download the 2015 Appendices (PDF). Many of data tables and figures referenced throughout the 2015 report are in the appendices.