Designing Your Postdoc (DYP)

Our goal for Designing Your Postdoc (DYP) is to help you think about your postdoctoral training in a holistic and systematic way by assessing your current state, defining your future state, and mapping a path between the two that will enable you to (1) do the right things at the right time during your training, and (2) find the mentoring you will need along the way.

Designing Your Postdoc was developed based on Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans of the here at Stanford (we recommend this book highly, if you find this workshop helpful).

Design Thinking

We use the Design Thinking framework to scaffold a creative approach to planning your postdoctoral training. It is a non-linear and iterative process that was originally developed for user-centric product design.

We invite you to think of yourself as your "user" and postdoctoral training as the "problem" you are designing a tailored solution for. You start with empathizing with your user by uncovering their needs, motivations, priorities, contexts, and what is meaningful to them.

These 4 prework exercises were designed to help you get a clearer picture of what you need to achieve your goals for postdoctoral training and beyond, so we can focus together on the innovative work of designing your postdoc.

Please complete these 4 prework sections prior to DYP.

We expect this will take you less than 45 minutes.