DYP: Uncover Your Needs

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Reflection: Why are you here?

Please spend some time reflecting on the purpose of your postdoctoral training. Write a short summary to help define what the postdoc means to you. This is not just a list of what you want out of postdoctoral training, but a general statement on your view:

  • Why do a postdoc?

  • What defines good or worthwhile training?

  • What do purpose, fulfillment, and growth have to do with it?

  • What might success and failure look like? What effect would success and failure have?

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Reflection: What are your goals?

Postdoctoral training is a time of exploration and meaningful progress toward your career of choice. Please send some time reflecting and brainstorming on what you want to achieve.

  • What do I want to do after my postdoc? What are my career goals?

  • What things do I want to achieve while I'm at Stanford?

  • What milestones or deliverables will I need to get to my next step?

  • Are there any useful connections I should try to make (names or types of people)? How might I meet them?

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Reflection: What training do you need?

A postdoc is a training position, not a job. Stanford has an incredibly fertile training environment, in both research and professional development available to postdocs. Smart planning will help you to take the best advantage of everything Stanford has to offer.

We have identified 6 core areas of training necessary for postdocs, as shown in this Postdoc Professional Development Wheel. Take a few minutes to look over the wheel and reflect on:

  • In what areas or topics do I feel particularly well prepared?

  • In what areas or topics do I need to learn more?

  • What knowledge/skills do I need to achieve my goals/milestones/deliverables?

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