DYP: Clarify Your Values

Values underpin everything we do, everything we think, and everything we feel. When people are at their unhappiest, it is often linked to a disjuncture between their values and their lives. This is the primary reason we ask you to consider your values as part of the process of analyzing who you are, where you are, and what you need.

Review the list of values below and identify the ones that are most important to you. There are no right and wrong answers, but your most authentic responses will come from your gut instead of your brain, so don't think too long about any one value. If it resonates with you, you'll know.

Achievement. Advancement. Adventure. Autonomy. Balance. Basic Research. Clearly defined roles. Collective action. Community. Competition. Cooperation. Creativity. Cutting edge. Discovering new knowledge. Diversity. Elitism. Equality. Excellence. Excitement. Fairness. Family. Flexibility. Giving back. Harmony. Health. Helping. Impact. Inspiring the next generation. Integrity. Intellectual challenge. Learning. Location. Loyalty. Open communication. Passion. Prestige. Productivity. Recognition. Relationships. Respect. Service. Sharing knowledge. Stability. Structure. Success. Surroundings. Teamwork. Trust. Variety. Wealth.

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