
Prevention Services for Mental Health Wellness at NLMUSD

  • Provide consultation, support, and professional development for school staff on topics related to social and emotional well-being

  • Promote an inclusive and safe learning environment

  • Empower families to participate in their child's education

  • Develop collaborate teams that include support staff, teachers, principals, psychologists and students' families

Mental Health Wellness

The Adolescent Brain (Dan Siegel)

What is Mental Health?

What is Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)?

SEL is "the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions, achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions" (


  • Positive social skills are protective factors for mental health wellness

  • Research shows that SEL improves academic performance

  • SEL can improve students' behavior in the classroom

  • SEL gives students the life skills they need to lead fulfilling and productive lives as adults

Supporting SEL at Home (1 hr 17 min)

Introducción al Aprendizaje Social y Emocional (51 min)

Second Step SEL

At NLMUSD we teach Second Step lessons to all of our elementary and middle school students. Second Step SEL is research-based, teacher-informed, and classroom-tested to promote the social-emotional development, safety, and well-being of children from Early Learning through Grade 8.

SEL Support by MS & HS Counselors

School Counselors help students to focus on academic, career and social emotional development so they achieve success in school and are prepared to lead fulfilling lives. NLMUSD counselors at middle and high schools provide in-classroom lessons as well as individual and group support.

Understanding Your Emotions

Elementary: TK - 2nd Grade

Think About...

Which emotion are you feeling right now?

What can you do when you are feeling grumpy?

What can you do when you are feeling sad?

Want something to do? Make a list of all of the things that make you happy.

Elementary: 3rd - 5th grade

Think About...

What are the differences between everyday feelings and overwhelming feelings?

What are some self-care strategies that we can use to deal with everyday feelings? What does Sasha do? Does it work?

How are the feelings that Andre is experiencing different? What does Andre do to manage these feelings?

What advice does Andre get from Sasha and his Head of Year? What are some other things Andre could do?

What can you do if you are worried about a friend?

Middle School

Think About...

Why is it important to learn how to control our emotions?

What are some common characteristics of all emotion?

Which emotion are you feeling right now?

High School

Think About...

What are some things you do to maintain positive mental health?

Have you experienced some mental health challenges?

How can you access mental health support if you ever felt you needed it? Who are some adults in your life that could help you connect with resources?