Dear Parents and Carers, 

It has been a busy few weeks, with so much already happening at St Helen's. It was great to see so many of you at our Open Week to meet the teachers and hear about the expectations for this year. If you were unable to attend, please contact the school office or speak to the class teacher. 

It has been great to see many of you coming along to; assemblies, attending our volunteer workshop, and supporting our coffee morning. We value and appreciate your support for all events. 

Please do remember we are always here to listen and help; if you have any questions, would like support and advice, or just a chat, come and find us on the playground or visit the school office. 

You are always welcome to join us on a Friday morning for our school masses - these take place in the chapel each week at 9:00am. 

Class assemblies take place on either a Wednesday morning (KS2) or Thursday morning (Rec & KS1) starting at 9:00am. Click here for Mass & Assembly Dates

We will send you regular updates and reminders of events taking place and they can also be found here  -

Click here to see our planned Workshops for Parents

Click here for the School Events List     More dates will be added throughout the year

With blessings and prayers 

Miss Doherty xx 

Click here to read the Religion Newsletter from Ten:Ten  - October Issue 

Click Blue buttons at the bottom of the page to see highlights from each year group.

Exciting New Play Area! 

Thanks to the generosity of parents & families who support our fundraising events and pay the parental contributions, we have been able develop a wonderful new play area behind the KS1 classrooms. We are so grateful to have so much space at St Helen's so that we can provide a wonderful environment for our pupils to enjoy. 

Here are the before photos  ...

Here are the photos of the development of the area ... 

And here are photos of the finished area ... 


6 O'clock Club
We have been having fun whilst doing our homework and doing some gardening! 

Sporting Success
Our KS1 Team won the Hot Potato competition. 



Thank you to those who came to our Macmillan Coffee Morning - we raised £80 for Macmillan Cancer Support. A Charity that is close to many of our hearts. A huge thank you goes to Mrs Flynn and Miss Corsan for organising the coffee morning and to the School Council for helping out! 

We also thank the NHS Nurses Charity from Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford for their generous donation of £2000 for HCPT - a charity we work closely with to take children to Lourdes at Easter. This generous donation will help to fund the pilgrimage next Easter. 

Our Parish - St Margaret's and All Saints 

Here is a link to St Margaret's and All Saints Parish Website where you will find the latest copies of the Parish Newsletter and other information such as Mass times and events.  There is a Live Stream for all Masses at the Main Church, and if you would like to watch School Masses at the Convent Chapel they are also Live Streamed. Here are the links - 

St Margaret's Church Live Stream Convent Chapel Live Stream (School Masses - Friday am)

Important information about vaccines and other Newham Services  - please read carefully. 

Peppo Tutors Community Centre Poster.pdf
Measles_School version.pdf
Well Newham A5 v6.pdf
Young Carers Flyer 1 A5.pdf