Year 5

We have been studying a contrasting locality in Geography, comparing the UK and Italy. In particular we have been looking at the different regions in Italy. Everyone going to Rome soon were also able to add lots more facts about Italy to our learning.

During our Citizenship Weeks we had a gangs assembly in which we learnt about the risks of joining a gang and how we can be manipulated and threatened into doing so.

In Art we have been learning about castle features and we have started to draw Balmoral and Windsor castles. In the next few weeks we will be adding shading and colours too. We also had fun in the cable cars, we hope you will enjoy our videos!


Year 6

Alongside learning about the Second World War in History, the children in year 6 have been studying Herbert Mason. They first studied Mason’s photography and discussed if photography is classified as an art form. They then took their own artistic photographs around the school, before recreating Mason’s most famous photo, “St Paul’s survives during the Blitz” using charcoal.