
The children’s enthusiasm and knowledge from previous learning about shapes prompted us to explore making pictures with shapes, baking with shapes and the best part, celebrating with an ice cream….circle / sphere + triangle / cone = Ice Cream.


For our Citizenship focus weeks we have been exploring everyone's right to play and looked at how we should play together. We have been working on sharing, taking turns and saying kind words to our friends during all our activities so that we can all enjoy the right to play together.


The children in Reception have been learning about different celebrations. We celebrated the Chinese New Year by making lanterns and dragons. We even learned to write in Chinese. We also learned how to use chopsticks to eat some yummy noodles! This year is year of the Rabbit, which means to be gentle, affectionate and caring.

The children have also began gymnastics lesson with Miss McNeish learning new shapes and balances to make with their bodies.

RB have welcomed a new member to the classroom too, one of the furry kind. Arby the dwarf hamster has taken residence to the RB classroom. The children have been learning how to care for others in all forms and sizes. The children have discussed how to care for smaller creatures, what they eat, what they need in their homes and what is safe for them to play with. The children absolutely love their new classmate and have been so good at helping him settle in.