Working Hard Will Always Pay Off

by Elias

Working Hard Will Always Pay Off.m4a

I believe that working hard will always pay off.


Ever since I was little I have been so in tune with soccer.

I started playing soccer at Takoma Park Soccer Association when I was 3 years old. I always scored a hat trick or more goals every game. I lived most of my life around soccer as my mom says I would kick very hard in her stomach before I was even in the world. I was always around a soccer ball, people who play soccer, and soccer games like the team DC United. That was the first soccer game I had ever been to in 2016. I asked my barber when I was 8 years old if I could get the same haircut as my favorite player, James Rodrigez. I have always been a huge fan of his just like I have his jersey In my room, I have him as my phone wallpaper, etc. I wore jerseys to school, wore indoor soccer shoes to school, and played every day at recess. This was just the start of my love and passion for the game.

I started playing for the club Maryland Bobcats when I was 12. This was my first club team to ever play on. I played with all the same kids before COVID on a msi rec team. We all transferred to the bobcats right after COVID. I was not in shape, one of the slowest on the team and obviously soccer wise the worst on the team. I was slowly catching up in the beginning of the year 2023 but I was always looked down by some of the older kids on my team as the worst kid since I play in a freshman team. I almost never played in games except for like 20 mins. I would never eat like an athlete, never trained at home, never watched film or premier league matches. I wasn’t in the right mindset because I would always focus on the wrong things like Fortnite or scrolling in my phone for hours instead of going outside and practicing. After everyone of my games I never felt good about my performances but still never did anything about it.


Now every day I either train at home or practice with my club. I have practices every weekday except for Tuesdays but that doesn’t stop me from training on weekends and Tuesday. I also have every saturday trainings with a attacker for the pro first team of my club. I always stay after trainings on weekends to get extra shots in. I have been recently had Sunday training for the same purpose but just extra work. After one of the Sunday trainings which started at 10 and i stayed after until 1:45. I think this applies everything so if you want to succeed in college you have to work hard while studying to get good grades. and paying attention etc. Most little things matter that most people might skip over. My coach also says that soccer and grades are connected so if your focused on the right thing you will keep up.