Living Life To Its Fullest

by Nila

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I believe in Living life to its Fullest. 

I believe this is because my Dad always used to tell me how you should live life almost like you're going to die tomorrow. He always tells me how it’s your first time living so do everything you would wish for in life. Once when we were in Hilton Head Island in South Carolina, he faced one of his biggest fears, going on a zip line. He explained his fear when we were getting ready to go on. He almost bailed out on it because it was 50 feet in the air, and he has a big fear of heights. He told me “if you do it, I’ll do it” and we both did it together successfully. 

I practice and live up to this belief because it’s true. I did it when I was 5. Me and my mom and dad went to the state fair and we pet all the animals in the animal shed, and we did some fun activities while we were there. I really wanted to do the pony ride they offered there, but I was too scared. I thought about what my dad had told me, and also someone would be holding the pony while I got on, so nothing bad would have happened. The pony was so big for me because I was smaller at the time but I ended up enjoying it and we ended up paying a lot that day because I just kept on wanting to do it. I finally got on after being scared and all we did was walk around. I loved it so much I wanted to go again. That’s also how my horse riding career started. I remember the first day I went to my barn, I wasn’t scared but my heart was pumping and I was excited to finally get on a horse again, and actually do more than just walk. I felt excited to get on, but once I got on, I didn't want to move or do anything to irritate my horse. As soon as we started walking near the fence, all my fear went away. I couldn’t remember or think of anything else that was in the past at that moment. It was only the present, and how calm I was. After the lesson, I really wanted to do more lessons, and continue riding. Horse riding is something that calms me down from a bad day, or just makes me feel happy. 

Currently in my horse riding career, I jump 2 feet. I moved barns and learnt much more after the move. My present coach challenges me with bigger jumps and taller horses. I haven’t lost any confidence in my riding career, but I have had a couple falls in my career at my old barn.

This is how I live my life to the fullest each day. I challenge myself to try new things and experience what is great in life. 

You have one life to do everything you would want. Try things you have never done, travel the world, experience new cultures, etc. What makes you happy? What do you want to achieve in life? There’s so much you can do in life, think about that whenever you're going through something or doing something risky.