Updates & Announcements

Update - 3rd November

Congratulations to all students involved! It was a great success. The video of the livestream is still available on the school's Facebook page.

Update - 3rd September

This year, PIPE & FONO will be combining into one event that will celebrate all that is being achieved in the music department.

The date of the performance evening will be Thursday 29th October 2020 (Term 4 Week 3) starting at 6pm. It will be professionally broadcast over Facebook as a live-stream, with similar production levels as the recent HSC Music Recital Evening.

The evening will feature performances from several year groups, the percussion ensemble, a selection of HSC Music students. There will also be some other individual items.

Students are invited to provide a video submission for their audition of an individual item. Instructions on what is involved and how to do this are on the Video Audition page.