Quick User Guides 


1st Draft

1. What time does the Library open?

The College Library is open from 8:05a.m. to 5:30p.m. on normal school days. It is also open for shorter hours on most non-school days. 

2. How to sign in to the Library OPAC? 

Go to OPAC. Your student ID no is your username. First time users can contact library staff for password. You may change your password anytime.

3. How do I borrow books? How many books can I borrow?

Student / Staff ID cards are required to retrieve user records in the system. Please bring your school ID and items to check out at the Circulation Counter (at least 10 min before the school bell). 

Each student has a quota of 6 items. Senior form students who require extra reference for study should seek help from the Librarian. 

4. How long may I keep my library loans?

Normal library loans must be returned within 14 days (2 weeks); except for short loans or term loans.  The loan period will be extended in case of school holidays.

Fines will be levied for overdue items. Make sure you check the due dates before leaving the Circulation Counter. 

5. What should I do if my library loans are damaged or lost?

Damages and loss must be reported immediately or by the due date of your loans. Replacement charges will be levied. 

6. May I borrow books during tests, exams and over school holidays?

Students are encouraged to read.  

You are welcome to borrow revision materials during tests and exam periods. Holiday loan policy varies for different form group s (esp for exam or graduating classes). Please refer to announcements or contact the Librarian for details.

7. How should I spend study periods (free periods) in the Library?

S4-S6 students are required to report to Mrs. Yu or Mrs. Wong and sign in / out at the Circulation Counter. 

Plan and spend your time wisely.  Only reading, research and study related are allowed during your stay.  Disciplinary action will be taken in case of breach of rules and regulations. 

8. Wifi, Computers, Scanner & Printing Facilities (Self-helped Service)

Wifi & computers are housed in the College Library for your convenience. Please refer to the manual or seek help from your peers if required.

Technical support is provided by the IT Team and outside vendors.  Problems should be reported to Library staff on duty for referrals. 


Student Librarians, Library Assistant &/or the College Librarian should be on duty during your stay in the Library. Please seek help from any of them if required.