Librarian's Recommendation


The story of the car (DK)

The last kids on Earth (Brallier, Max.)

A Dog's Perfect Christmas (Cameron, W. Bruce)

Best Fairy Tales (Andersen, H. C.)

China: a history (Keay, John)

The essex serpent : a novel (Perry, Sarah.)

Trump vs. China : facing America's greatest threat (Gingrich, Newt.)

Music : the definitive visual history (DK)

Miss Peregrine's museum of wonders : an indispensable guide to the dangers and delights of the peculiar world for the instruction of new arrivals (Riggs, Ransom)

The summer I turned pretty (Han, Jenny.)

We'll always have summer (Han, Jenny.)

Test gods : tragedy and triumph in the new space race (Schmidle, Nicholas)

The 143-storey treehouse (Griffiths, Andy)

Guinness World Records 2023 (Guinness World Records Limited)

Oceanarium (Trinick, Loveday.)

Timelines of everyone : from Cleopatra and Confucius to Mozart and Malala. (DK)

The last kids on Earth and the skeleton road (Brallier, Max.)

The last kids on Earth and the zombie parade (Brallier, Max.)

The last kids on Earth and the cosmic beyond (Brallier, Max.)

The last kids on Earth and the midnight blade (Brallier, Max.)

The last kids on Earth and the midnight blade (Brallier, Max.)

What Bruce Lee didn’t know about Kung Fu (Huen, Ian)

Worser (Ziegler, Jennifer.)

Xi Jinping : the governance of China III (Xi, Jinping.)

The green planet : the secret life of plants (Barnes, Simon.)


瘋人院之旅 (Pam Pam Liu)

非人哉8: 八方來財 (一汪空氣)

夏日告白 (Sophia)

無污染無公害 (Priest)

克蘇魯神話2 瘋狂 (Lovecraft, Howard Philips.)

命運列車 (理想很遠)

地獄裡有假期嗎 (Arlidge, M.J.)

盜墓筆記之南部檔案 (南派三叔)

魔笛: 童話推理事件簿 (陳浩基)

憤怒的巨鯨 (關景峰)

誓保梵高名畫 (關景峰)

溫西爵爺偵探事件簿 : 史上最迷人貴族偵探的推理日常 (Sayers, Dorothy Leigh.)

黑天 (木蘇里)

小熊維尼 (Milne, Alan Alexander.)

神間失格 (Werber, Bernard.)

兒童及青少年心理個案: 專家會診及治療 (羅健文)

趣味漫畫資治通鑑: 夏商西周 (童樂)

趣味漫畫資治通鑑: 春秋戰國上 (童樂)

趣味漫畫資治通鑑: 春秋戰國中 (童樂)

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