Online Resources 


Table of Contents

I. Academic & Public Exam Resources

1. Hong Kong Public Exams Past Papers & Question Banks

2. Resources on IELTS & SAT


#HKPL eResources is accessible to HKPL readers only; HKPL accounts are required for access. 

*Databases for SSC is accessible for SSC students and staff only.  Please contact the Librarian is case of enquiry. 

II. Digital Libraries, Encyclopedia, Databases & Search Engines

*Go to Useful Resources for the list of digital libraries and depositories. Also refer to the lists below for more public access resources. 

Please contact the Librarians for recommendations on resources and advice on specific study and research topics. 

6. Interdisciplinary Resources & Research Tools

7. Data and Infographics

III. International, Overseas, China and Hong Kong Based Resources

9. Hong Kong & China

IV. Online Resources by Subject / Disciplines 

10. Accounting, Business Studies & Economics  

11. Architecture

12. Biography 

13. Chinese Language & Literature

14. Computer Science & Cyber Security

15. English Language & Literature

16. European Languages - French & Spanish

La Médiathèque - AF Library

17. Geography, Environmental Science & Maps

18. History 

19. Mathematics, Science & Technology

17. Royal Observatory Greenwich - The collection / Picture library

18. Science (journal)

19. Science In Context, Gale databases for SSC

20. SciLit 

20. Music & Performing Arts

21. Visual Art

V. Sample Search Form (Log)
