Library Orientation, Info Sessions & Workshops, 

Reading Classes, Study Periods (Free Periods) 

& Booking of Facilities

(Draft 1)

1. Booking of Library Facilities 

Reservation of Seats, Computer and Printing Facilities

Teachers may book desks and seats, computer and printing facilities via eClass.  

Please contact Library staff on duty to confirm details concerning seating arrangements, booking of facilities and if any other support is required.  Your class will be sharing the room and facilities with S4-S6 students spending their study periods (free periods) in the Library.    

Study Periods (Free Periods) 

Students must received approval from the school management or their subject teachers to use the Library during lesson time. 

Study Periods is not free time.  Students should bring work assigned by the teachers or materials to self-study or read. 

Attendance During Study Periods

Students should report to Library Staff on duty when they arrive at the Library. They are also required to sign out / sign in when they leave and return to the Library. An accurate record is required for the General Office. Teachers and parents might call in to look for students.  The record is also required for EBD "headcounts".  


School policy on school uniforms and the use of electronic devices, Library Rules and Regulations should be observed during your stay.  Your cooperation is appreciated! 

Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited.

2. Library Orientation, Reading Classes & Research Sessions 

Library Orientation (Upcoming) & Reading Classes

S1 Class Teachers may make appointment with the Librarian to arrange Library tour and orientation for their students at Class Time in Term 1.  The session is designed to introduce Library Collection, Service and Facilities to new students.  

Language teachers are encouraged to book reading classes.  Please make an appointment with the Librarian.  We will have to make sure the Circulation Counter is staffed and the Librarian could standby to offer help to the students. 

3. Learning & Research Support 

Information Sessions, Workshops & HKU Library Tour for IBDP Students

Information sessions are conducted by the Librarian for S5 IB students to give them an overview of Library collection, databases and online resources. Workshops on the use of subscribed databases and visit to HKU Main Library are co-organized with the vendor and HKU Library.  

*Information session for S4 Pre-IB students will be organized in the next stage.  

These programme and activities are designed to prepare IBDP students in their 2-year study and especially research activities involved in internal assessments and Extended Essay. 

S1-S6 Research Support

Library aims to provide learning and research support to students from all classes. Teachers are welcome to make appointment and bring classes to Library during lesson time or send individual students to work on their projects at their own time.  

Please contact the Librarian to make sure references on your topics are available.  Department should send purchase requests to the Librarian in prior. 
