The Zen Den:
California High School Wellness Center
Intake desk (925) 803-3386  - Open for students 8a-2p school days* (closed 12-12:30)


🦸Quote of the month:
Together, we will create brave space Because there is no such thing as a “safe space.” 
We exist in the real world. We all carry scars, and we have all caused wounds.
In this space, we seek to reduce the volume of the outside world.
We amplify voices that fight to be heard elsewhere,
We call each other to more truth and love.
We have the right to start somewhere and continue to grow.
We have the responsibility to examine what we think we know. We will not be perfect.
It will not always be what we wish it to be But It will be our brave space together,
And  We will work on it side by side.
by Micky Scottbey Jones

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Before School

Special Event - Brunch


We are "the Zen Den." - a purposeful retreat on campus.

Wellness Centers, like the Zen Den, provide increased early interventions and tools to students experiencing challenges impacting their ability to focus and learn at school.

In the Zen Den, we strive to provide a "reset" space away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of campus where students can find calm. It is a digital detox zone, and we work to keep it a calming place. Please respect the "Zen" of our den.

During their visit, students can participate in various services. Most students utilize the short 15-minute "reset break."

Other services include personal support, community resources, emergency supplies for students, and self-efficacy skill building.

Our Staff

Student Groups

Grizzly Ambassadors & Advocates
These peer support groups serve as ambassadors and advocate for students on campus.

The Bring Change 2 Mind (BC2M)
This student club empowers students to bring mental health awareness and advocacy to campus.
SAVE Promise
This student club encourages and empowers young people to keep their schools and communities safe and inclusive. 

Our mission, dear Grizzlies, is to help you discover who you are, who you can become, and how to lean into your best self.
As your confidants, we promise to be respectful and responsible and to take action to improve student well-being. 
With dedication and care, we strive to support students in their journey by helping them overcome barriers and hardships. 

Care for our Grizzlies
Snack / ITEM Help PTSA Sign-Up Genius

Cal High Staff Toolbox

Resources and info for staff