The Zen Den  
California High School Wellness Center
Individual & Campus-wide well-being support 

Why a "Wellness Center"? 

Wellness Centers provide increased early interventions and tools to students experiencing challenges impacting their ability to focus and learn at school. 

our Wellness Center is called "the Zen Den" 

In the Zen Den, we strive to provide a "reset" space away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of campus where students can find calm.  It is a digital detox zone and we work to keep the space a calming place. Please respect the "Zen" of our den.

During their visit, students can participate in various services. Most students utilize the short 15-minute "reset break."

Other services include personal support, group support, leadership coaching, community resources, emergency supplies for students, and self-efficacy skill building. 

Our Zen Den community mural was created in the theme of "Come As You Are" to illustrate how we all belong here. We are ALL Grizzlies. The mural was designed and painted by our mural club students from a student design contest in the spring of 2024.

Wellness Center Hours
closed 12-12:30 for staff lunch

Monday-Wednesday: 8 - 2
Thursday: 9:302
Friday: 8- 2

To request non-emergency personal support for yourself or a friend here at Cal High: Click Here

wellness Center Phone
(925) 803-3386

Wellness Center Coordinator:
Rachelle Pavao Goldenberg, ASW  
ext. 24844
* About Mrs. G

Intake Assistant
ext: 24986

Cal High Feeder Pattern
Social Worker
Michelle Dooner, LCSW

SCIP Counselor
Page Scott
(Discovery Counseling Center)

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Check Out Cal High's Affinity Clubs:
Support, Community, and Connection for Students

Safe School Ambassadors
The Safe School Ambassadors harness the power of our student influencers to promote community and connections on our campus.  Students and staff are recommended and selected based on their influential character and positive impact on campus.  
Coordinators: Rachelle Goldenberg, Social Worker & Rhonda Taft, Assistant Principal

The Bring Change 2 Mind club empowers students to bring mental health awareness and advocacy to campus.
Advisor: Rachelle Goldenberg, Social Worker
2024 Club President: Sree Poondla (2027)

The SAVE Promise Club encourages and empowers young people to keep their schools and communities safe and inclusive.
Advisor & National School Advisory Council Member: Rachelle Goldenberg, Social Worker
2024-5 Club President & National Youth Advisory Board Member: Jade Owens (2025)