Vista Grande Newsletter
Welcome to the Upgraded Juergens' Journal now called:
The Vista Grande Newsletter
This is a ONE-STOP SHOP with important VG links at your fingertips along with our VG Website. This is not meant to replace our Web page but to work alongside it as a monthly newsletter.
The Vista Grande Newsletter incorporates The Juergens' Journal, Upcoming VG Events, PTA, Falcon Fund & CPAP Highlights along with important links. You can also access this on our webpage which is available to the left in the table of contents. You will also receive a bi-monthly PTA Newsletter and CPAP families will still receive a monthly CPAP newsletter.
Great Feature- At the top right corner you can click the magnified glass to search for what you are looking for.
You will then see a list indicating all the times that word was used on this webpage.
Once you click on one of the choices you can click COMMAND 'F' to locate the exact placement of the word in that specific section.
Principal Juergens, PTA, Falcon Fund & CPAP Boards