Quick Questions

Q and A

Any questions about arrival?

Kindergarten students arrive in the back gate of the school near the Growing Room parking lot. You may drive up to let your child exit the car on their own, do not get out of your car. You may not park on Albion. You must park on Harcourt and walk around. Parents are not allowed on campus at this back gate. Teachers are on duty at the driveway and kindergarten playground to supervise the kiddos. Kiddos sit in their classroom lines and do not play.

Any questions about Dismissal?

Kindergarten students dismiss through the back gate of the school near the Growing Room parking lot. Always bring your colored carpool sign! You may drive up to pick up your child, do not get out of your car as teachers help the kiddos into cars. You may also park across the street on Albion and walk up to pick up your child. (Do not block traffic entering the driveway with your parked car.) Walking parents line up at the green tape and wait for teachers to call the child. Please be patient and follow these guidelines, it may seem slow at first but I promise you it gets quick and efficient.

What do I do if my child is late to school?

If your child is late to school, he/she must check in at the front office and he/she will receive a pink tardy pass that is to be given to the classroom teacher. Please DO NOT KNOCK ON THE CLASSROOM DOOR after the gate has closed at 8:15am.

What if my child forgets his/her homework, snack, etc.?

Everyone forgets once in a while. Please encourage your child to accept responsibility for bringing his/her necessary items. If you would like to drop items off after school has begun, please leave them in the office. Do not knock, as this disrupts instruction.

What do I do if I need to pick my child up from school early?

Please go to the front office, sign your child out and someone in the office will call your child's classroom.

What do I do if my child is Absent?

If your child is ill and must be absent from school, please call the attendance line ASAP so that we can account for all missing children. The number is 925-479-3898. Please keep your child home if he or she is ill, with fever or vomiting. We don't want to spread germs, and want your child to focus on getting well.

What if my child will be absent for 5 or more days?

Please go to the office and fill out an independent study contract at least two weeks before your planned trip. Contracts are not granted the last two weeks of school.

Does my child need a snack for morning recess?

Yes. Kindergarten Kiddos have snack recess at our morning recess from 10:10-10:35. Your child will want a SMALL nutritious snack to tide them over till lunch. I recommend a piece of fruit, a few crackers, or protein like cheese or beef jerky. Please no candy, chips or cookies. NO NUTS OF ANY KIND! Please put food in a container that your child can open himself for easy access at recess and label it with NAME.

Does my child need a bottled water for classtime?

Maybe. During class, after PE and after recess, the line for the drinking fountain can become quite long. For this reason, I encourage children to keep a water bottle in class.

When does my child need to wear the red class shirt?

We wear our red class shirt every Friday and on fieldtrips.

What is the dress code?

Your child should wear comfortable play clothes and sneakers everyday. Girls who wear dresses need a pair of shorts underneath.

Does the class need anything?

Most of our supplies, totes and t-shirts are provided by the schools Ed-fund, thanks to your generous donations.

We need donations of baby wipes, hand sanitizer, tissues, and fun bandages. We also need parents who are willing to purchase and pick up photos of the children from Walgreens at the end of each month for the memory books.

Do you have any Donors choose projects that need funding?

Yes. Follow this link to check it out: Active Learning Centers in Kindergarten

What is the policy for children using the restroom during class?

Children are encouraged to use the restroom anytime. It is important for young kiddos to listen to their body signals and go before it becomes an emergency. We have a bathroom in the room for all kiddos to use, one at a time.

Can I bring a treat for my child's birthday?

Maybe. Food items are tricky! WE HAVE A CHILD WITH PEANUT AND ALL NUT ALLERGY! Kindergarten has gone birthday "NO NUT" treats. Any treats must be store bought and clearly ingredient labeled as nut free and no shared equipment. Instead of bringing a snack, your child may consider bringing in a special sharing: a favorite book, toy, trophy, etc. Some children like to bring a goody bag to pass out at the end of the day. This is optional and no need to check with me ahead of time.

How do I know if my child is reading a book at his/her appropriate level?

A quick test would be to have your child read aloud one page. If your child makes three or more mistakes, the book is too difficult and an easier book needs to be chosen. When a child is working on comprehension skills, it is very beneficial to read a book that is one or two levels below their just right level.

Can my child receive enrichment homework?

Please see the Wonderful Websites tab for enrichment activities that will meet your child's individual needs. Both Razkids Reading and Dreambox Math will adjust to your child's individual level and will meet the needs of your child for intervention and extension.

How do I order books from Scholastic Book Clubs?

Every month I will be sending home book order magazines from Scholastic Book Clubs for you to take a look. When you go online you can see, suggestions, classroom wish lists, and so many book ideas. The books will arrive 1-2 weeks after the due date posted online. Ordering online is so simple! Follow the link provided and use our class code to order books for your child. Our class code is G W G V W (no spaces) . Click here: http://www.scholastic.com/parents/

What is the policy for parent volunteers and visits?

Parents are welcomed and encouraged to volunteer. The school must monitor who is on campus. Therefore, please SIGN IN at the school office and receive a sticker/badge for all visits, regardless of the length of time you plan on being at the school. NO SIBLINGS please, the children you will be working with need your undivided attention. IF you would like to visit the classroom, please notify me at least a day ahead of time so that I can prepare an activity for you to do with the kiddos or prep work for you to help with.

Are siblings allowed on field trips?

No. As a parent chaparone, you are responsible for the safety of those students assigned to you. Siblings can be a distraction that interfere with the learning environment of the field trip.