Best Behavior

Character Counts

I believe that it is vital to teach the whole child, emotional, social and academic. I strive to provide children with the necessary building blocks to gain self awareness and self regulation.We will be using SANFORD HARMONY and BOOSTERTHON Programs to learn about character, empathy, impulse control and anger management. We will be using the CHARACTER COUNTS Program to teach the six pillars of Character: responsibility, respect, trustworthiness, caring, fairness, and citizenship. We use elements of RESPONSIVE CLASSROOM like morning meeting, positive time-out, academic choice, and closing circle to reinforce and practice character traits. We practice MINDFULNESS through quick activities that focus our attention and calm our bodies. We are learning to have a GROWTH MINDSET that will ensure our future success in school. Flexible seating is being used to allow children to incorporate movement into regular classroom work.


1. Show respect.

2. Make good choices.

3. Solve problems.


Hurt no one on the inside or outside.

Respect your school and all it's property.

Special places requires special behavior.

We love Hidden Hills!

Class Creed:

We raise our hands to talk.

In the halls we quietly walk.

We use voices soft and sweet.

We keep our places tidy and neat.

We are helpful, friendly and fair.

We take turns and willingly share.

Rug Rules:

Eyes watching

Ears listening

Mouth quiet

Legs criss cross

Hands Folded

Body still

Mind alert

Heart open

Discipline Plan

Our classroom is a community in which we support and learn from each other. Every person has the right to be heard as well as to feel safe and happy when they enter our school and classroom.

Classroom Expectations

Since a child’s success in school depends greatly on learning to make responsible choices, every student will be expected to follow our class rules:

1. Be Kind – Be kind and polite to others with your words and actions. Absolutely no put-downs or teasing allowed.

2. Be Safe – Act in ways that keep yourself and others from harm.

3. Work Hard- Do your best, listen and follow directions.

Logical Consequences

To encourage students to follow these rules, I will support and recognize appropriate behavior by whole group and individually with verbal praises, class rewards and celebrations, as well as sending good notes home. If a student makes a mistake and breaks the rules, the following logical consequences will result:

Minor Mistake / Disruption: Fix it (move seating, apology, note, repair, kind act, etc.)

Big or Frequent Mistake / Disruption: Removal from group for a short time (Calm Down Spot) and Think about it sheet and/or quick email home

Severe or Chronic Mistake/ Disruption: Parent/Student/Teacher Conference and/or enlist support from Principal