Consistent Communication

Ms. Belding's Kindergarten kiddos Website

This site will be my main form of communication. I will be posting weekly to keep you informed of our classroom activities. Other notes will be sent home or emailed as needed. I am always available should any questions or concerns arise. If you’d like to contact me, please don’t hesitate to write me a note and place it in the Daily Homework Folder , or send an email at I will respond at the earliest available time.

Daily Communication Folder

and tote bag

Your child will receive a red kindergarten tote bag to use for carrying a snack, and the Daily Communication Folder.NO BACKPACKS ALLOWED as space is limited! I will be using the daily communication folder to send home notes, unfinished classwork, and any other urgent notices. Be sure to check it daily for important notices. Be sure to EMPTY your child's folder daily. Folders should be returned empty unless you are returning forms and/or a note which should be placed in the left side pocket. If you would like to send me a note, please place it in the folder. I will be checking the folder daily.

Remind Notices

Remind notices will be sent for quick reminders to your mobile device which will notify you with important class reminders. In your Back to School packet is the form on how to download Remind. Once you have joined you will receive important remiders. Unfortunately, you wil not be able to leave me a note and I will not be able to reply. A phone call 479-3875 or e-mail is always best for questions or concerns. You will receive an invitation to join my Remind group soon. Once you have joined, you will receive these notices from me via your choice of text or email.

Click on this link to join:

Face to Face Appointments

I am available to meet face to face with you, in fact I welcome that. You may request a meeting before or after school most days. However, I am not available to speak to you right before school as the children are coming into the room to start the day. A smooth start to our day relies on a consistent opening, and is imperative to setting the pace for a great day.

Conferences and report cards

We are on a semester system. You will have one Conference midway through the first semester in October to go over your child's progress and set goals for the year. You will receive the first semester report card in January. In March there will be At-Risk Conferences for those kiddos with academic or behavior concerns. You will receive a second semester report card at the end of the year.

Class Directory

We will be using your email and possibly phone number to communicate in our class for Room Parent info and personal use for playdates and party invites. Please follow the link below to complete the google form.

Parent Portal

Be sure to go online and fill out the release section regarding Techology and Photos. Your child can not attend the computer lab without permissionl. We will go one day a week once all kiddos are cleared to go. You must give your permission for photos in order for your child to be included in the school Yearbook and for me to take photos for the Kindergarten Memory Book.