Helpful Homework

Homework Assignments

There will be Weekly homework starting in September. Homework is intended to be done for 30 minutes a night on Monday - Thursday as per our district homework policy. Each night will consist of 20 minutes of reading, including a reading log, reading response sheet, and 10 minutes of Dreambox Math. There is also an optional Monthly Calendar of Activities.

Reading Log

Your child will receive a Weekly Reading Log to record daily 20 minutes of reading. The 20 minutes of reading can be a mix of Parent to Child, and Child to Parent. Use any books from home as well as little books that have been read in class and sent home. Please keep all little book that are sent home and include them as part of your daily reading. Repetition is a good thing and GREAT for improving reading skills. Please use the RazKids Reading Website as your child's On Level independent reading.

Reading Response Sheet

On the back of the weekly reading log there will be a reading response sheet for the child to complete. This reading response must be written/drawn/colored by the child.

Turn the Reading Log in on Friday each week. It will not be returned.

Dreambox Math online game

Dreambox is a wonderful online game that adjusts up or down in difficulty based on your child's achievement. The more they play, the better the match in skill level will be. Please have your child play this game online for 10 minutes a day

Optional Monthly Calendar of Activities

The optional monthly calendar of activities are intended to reinforce skills learned at school. Feel free to complete the activities in any order. You may also modify or extend any activity based on your child's individual needs.

The calendar is due on the last day of the month. It will not be returned.

How you can help your child be successful in school...

  1. Read EVERYDAY! They can read to you or you can read to them. Either way, READ :)
  2. Stay involved and feel free to contact me anytime.
  3. Ask your child about their day in school and encourage them to talk about what they learned.
  4. Make sure your child is getting plenty of sleep and is ready for school each day.
  5. Help your child with their homework