Student Database

The idea is simple. Take student marks as input like in the CBSE board exam - Math, Physics, Chemistry, CSE and English, including the practical marks. Since I do not want to manually input over 100 values of the database, for now I have used the excel built-in function 'RandBetween'. This way I can ensure that the practical marks are between 25 and 30 while theory marks between 30 and 100.

Now we manipulate the values to get the 'theory percentage' the 'practical percentage' the 'overall percentage' and many other values like whether the student passed or not, etc.

The probably hardest part of this project - at least for me - was the counting of people who passed and especially who passed with some condition like scoring 75% and above and so. I used various built-in functions like 'count, countif' and many others to get the required data to make chart representation.

These are the details which have been tabulated in the 'Student Details' section which made the chart. The goal of this project was to simply convert the marks of each students in subdivisions and then find out the rank of students, and some statistical data. Finally we use the built in tools like pie chart and bar graph and select the table for which we need the chart and its automatically done.

The only issue or drawback is that every time the excel is refreshed, it takes in a completely new set of values. I am unsure if it is fixable to keep static random values or not, but it is something I will further explore.