
Our first online Hackathon was AIHacks4Good. We picked the sub-domain of AI in the healthcare industry. This was i deal since our team consisted of 2 biotechnology and 2 computer science undergraduates. Our idea was to detect any bias in data using MATLAB. Here is a small presentation and a word docs covering our points, problem and approach.

Segregating Biased Data in Healthcare Datasets using MATLAB
Segregating Biased Data in Healthcare Datasets using MATLAB

We used MATLAB for AI understanding of data bias in a dataset (if any) and then use an embedded C++ code in order to interact with the user with an HTML5 web interface. However, since the hackathon was for only 1 day, we could not achieve all of the above-mentioned expectations.

Here is a link to the GitHub repository where we have added our code to the project, the dataset we used, and an output PDF.

We did not win any prizes or anything, we did not completely show a prototype. However, we did learn some important skills and got the experience to understand how we would approach our next hackathon.