Me Thinks

'The person with the right idea, at the right time with perfect execution could rule the world'.

Don't wait for a change to begin, but begin to make the change

Knowledge combined with technology is one of the biggest assets in the modern era.

Idea -> Planning -> Test -> Strategize -> execution

I love to pursue knowledge on any subject, do projects with people or alone, be creative in my approach to find a solution to any given situation. I make websites and play with different coding languages to enhance my knowledge.

HOBBIES are skills, but at free time

I am an artist, astronomy enthusiast and a strong chess player. I also indulge in various sports activities, gardening, writing articles and feeding stray animals.

clear direction leads to an effective use of time

My main goal is to work with a software team, coming up with revolutionary ideas and executing them to bring a change in the world. My other goals include becoming a 'Grand master' in chess and try my chances in football and athletics.