Online Platforms


I have very recently started my profile in this platform. Allows more exposure to various types of questions in data structures. Many interview questions to practice from. As I do more, I will update the page.


In this platform, we were exposed to various and numerous problems in different programming languages. Each question is unique and helps in conceptual and cognitive thinking since there is more than one way to solve any question.

Link :-


This portal offers a lot of contests every month. In order to try and understand how the competition works, I have started my practice in this account as well.


Started for more exposure and practice. The overall interview questions and practice session allows better improvement and more understanding on what sectors of the CSE engineer is being targeted, and participated in hackathons


This account was made again for simply more exposure to various types of questions. They allow features like debugging others codes, or working with them, so I found it interesting.


In this platform, we were taught any certain course that we want to learn. I showed some interest in Java And Python as well. This is where I learnt and took some help for my HTML & CSS project. I am planning to learn JavaScript as well.