

This course exposed the need for NodeJS application in Docker.


Virtual Experience Program to understand what it is like to work in Accenture.


Agile Virtual Experience Program to understand what it is like to work in Cognizant.


Machine Learning Onramp Program in MATLAB.


MATLAB Onramp Program.

Hackerrank SQL (Basic)

Certification course in hacker rank for SQL(Basic)

Hackerrank SQL (Intermediate)

Certification course in hacker rank for SQL(Intermediate)

Hackerrank Python (Basic)

Certification course in hacker rank for Python(Basic)

Hackerrank JAVA (Basic)

Certification course in hacker rank for Java(Basic)

Hackerrank C# (Basic)

Certification course in hacker rank for C#(Basic)


In this course we were exposed to how to tackle any given 'Data Structure' related or any programming problems. How a code can be made and then how to make it more effective for various types of test cases. This changed the approach I took towards solving a problem.

AWS Academy

In this course, we had a detailed introduction and insight in the world of cloud. The services provided by Amazon Cloud, and how we can use it in our business or apply in real life.

AWS Academy

Insights and Hands-On lab sessions to better understand Amazon DynamoDB.